1 — Tell us a bit about your background. How did you start your career as an entrepreneur and Developer? What projects have you been involved in prior to Zenfuse?
I got into programming as a hobby over six years ago. I started out by learning several programming languages such as html, css, php, and quickly became equipped with the necessary knowledge to work on small projects.
Two years later, I found myself programming in Java script and started getting involved in more serious projects. My friends and I then decided to join forces and created a web studio, which became our main point of focus.
While working on our web studio, we had the privilege to help build several prominent projects, including designing a website for the most expensive residential complex in Russia, creating web-applications with gamification features for one of the largest Russian universities, and also building a marketplace for mining equipment.
After me and my friends left the web studio to join Zenfuse, we quickly became the backbone of the development department.
2 — How did you join the Zenfuse team? Was it always your dream to work in a crypto project?
I met Yuriy at a meetup, and in the course of our conversation it became clear that we should be working together. As soon as the opportunity arose, we joined forces to work actively and fruitfully on Zenfuse.
3 — Are you a trader? When did you get started in crypto and what has been your experience within the space so far?
I got into trading back in 2012, when I was still in school. At that time I was trading forex, and managed to generate a small source of passive income.
In 2014, I suspended all trading activities in order to focus entirely on my studies and web development. That was until 5 years later, when one of the web projects I was working on introduced me to the cryptocurrency market. From that moment on I became extremely interested in the crypto industry.
Since I started working on zenfuse, I started actively trading in the cryptocurrency market. Every day I devote at least 2 hours to it, and so far it has allowed me to generate a good source of income.
4 — Give us a brief overview of your functions as Project Manager of Zenfuse. What does your typical workday look like?
I am both a project manager and team leader. My tasks as a project manager include building a work plan for the development team, prioritizing functions to be implemented on the platform, and assigning tasks to both the development team and myself.
My working day starts at 8 am. I usually arrive at work at 10 am and work till late evening (~11pm), taking a break to eat and go to the gym in order to take my mind off of work.
5 — How would you describe the Zenfuse team and the culture of the company?
At zenfuse we are all one family 💙
6 — Do you believe Zenfuse has the potential to revolutionize the game of crypto trading? Give us your vision of Zenfuse and where will it stand 5 years from now?
Of course. We’re working on it. Most importantly, we are aware of all the pains of traders because we are active traders ourselves.
In 5 years, I see Zenfuse being one of the main trading platforms, through which at least 30 percent of all transactions in the crypto market will take place.
7 — What or who inspires you? Is there any figure, inside or outside of crypto, that has had a major positive influence on you?
I would have to say that I am more focused on myself, and how I can continuously keep improving. It is vital for me to become better every day and make the world around me a better place, even if it’s just by doing small positive actions.
8 — Is there any specific trait or skill that you’ve developed working on Zenfuse?
There are many technical skills that have been improved during the project, but the most important skill I have learned is team management and motivation. Our team is used to working long hours, and it’s up to me to help them manage the high-stress environment and avoid any risks of burnout.
About Zenfuse
Zenfuse is a powerful all-in-one platform for cryptocurrency traders and investors.
It aggregates multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing control of funds via API, and powers up the trading process, making trading more profitable, simple, and stress-free.
Our cross-platform app provides rich analytics of both your portfolio and order history, giving you the ability to control your funds on a mobile device.